
ハプニング映像 葉山エレーヌ モモンガ襲撃


anaphylactic shock from vaccination

8 Nov., publish by the Ministry Health, Labour and Welfare

vaccination: Lot No. FB024D

at 10:15(localtime) on 5 Nov., she was vaccinated against the flu(mixd type:H1N1,H3N2,B influenza) in the medical institution
at 11:40, in the pharmacy, took an antibiotic(cefalexin) for the scar at her left-upper arm
about 10 min after, she was taken itches the whole body, returned to the medical institution, her blood pressure fell and weak pulse
she was sent to the emergency hospital by an ambulance
ventricular tachycardia, her breathing stopped there
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but not revived
she died from anaphylactic shock at PM

her past illnesses: congestive heart failure, bronchial asthma, atrial fibrillation
medication before vaccination: metildigoxin, furosemide, sodium ferrous citrate, potassium gluconate
every year, she vaccinated against the flu after 2001
intermittently she took a cefalexin after January of 2001

press release by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
http://www.mhlw.go.jp/kinkyu/kenkou/influenza/houdou/2010/11/dl/infuh1108-01.pdf PDF at Japanese